Himig-Filipino (Filipino-American Ensemble)

Under the direction of SAMANTHA DOMINGUEZ


About the Ensemble

Himig Filipinio Ensemble comprises of around 20 members who work together to praise the Lord through Song. They are committed to increasing their spirituality, faith and confidence as a musical ensemble while also supporting the St. Kilian Parish community. The Himig Filipino Ensemble formed back in 2011 as a music ensemble to serve the St. Kilian community. We started with a few members and grew over time.

Our goal is grow together as an ensemble in musicianship, camaraderie with one another, and an openness to learning new things.

The choir sings in September through Corpus Christi Sunday and are on hiatus for the summer.

REHEARSALS: Tuesday evenings at 6:30 PM

MASS: 4:30 PM (Saturday Vigil Mass)

expectations and Order

As a member of the Himig Filipino Ensemble, there are expectations set so we can accomplish our two goals: (A) produce the best music we can and (B) leading the congregation and visitors in worship through song. Expectations are as followed:

  1. Come prepared with binder, music (including hymnal), pencil, and water.

  2. Familiarize yourself with music before rehearsal via research, recordings, YouTube, etc.

  3. Every rehearsal begins with a warm-up and proceeds with the rehearsal schedule sent weekly via email.

  4. Music is handed out per monthly packets. Please organize your music accordingly. Music is also sent via email so if you lose any, it’s your responsibility to re-print it.

  5. If one cannot attend Tuesday evening rehearsal, please inform via email of absence so we can adjust accordingly.

    • Continuing in Fall 2022, those that cannot attend Tuesday rehearsals will not be able to sing with the choir on that following Sunday.

    • Rehearsals are imperative to growth as both a vocalist and an ensemble member. Thank you for your cooperation


Do you love to sing? Interested in meeting some new people? We have space for anyone and everyone here at SK Music Ministry and we’d love to have you. St. Augustine said that singing is praying twice. God has given all of us special gifts to glorify him and the sacrifice Jesus made for us on the cross.

Eagerness to Meet New Challenges

We sing a variety of music ranging from traditional hymns to contemporary sacred pieces.

  • As a member of the Himig Filipino Ensemble, you’ll be encouraged to always give 100% percent with the goal of always improving.

    • We have to be our best in order to bring out the best in others. As a member, you’ll also be challenged to be prepared, work hard, and strive to always work as a team.

  • Our hard work allows parishioners and visitors alike to have a fulfilling experience every time they attend a service here at St. Kilian’s, bringing them closer to God through our music.




Interested in Joining?