St. Kilian Pastoral Council consists of appointed parishioners who meet monthly and serve as members for three years. They are to serve and advise the pastor with items that pertain to the parish community.
Mario Alegre
Teresa Benitez
Matt Brown
Pete Corkery
Dianne D’Agnolo
Carol Harika, chair
Bill Hays
Elizabeth Monk
Kathy Mora
Yolanda Roetcisoender
Colleen Wright
Our Finance Council is made up of leaders in the business industry with financial knowledge and a heart for St. Kilian Church. We thank them for their expertise and scrutiny as we continue to maintain a balanced budget. They are of great value and support to our pastor. The current members are:
Matt Heslin
Jennifer Lavenson
Steve Muzzy
Jeff Reiss, chair
Bob Sweigart
Supported by Susan Armstrong, Business Manager
Financial results for Fiscal year July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024: