Wedding Music Outline

Music for a Catholic Liturgy

Hello and welcome to SK Music Ministry! Here you’ll find all the information in regards to selecting the music for your upcoming wedding. When selecting music, all choices and coordination will go through our Director of Music, Jeremiah Lussier. He’s more than happy to speak with you about ideas.

First, a little overview of the function of music in a Catholic Wedding: The rite of Christian Marriage is both an act of worship and a sacrament. It reflects the faith of the couple, the family, and the whole church at large. As a result, the music should always reflect this faith through a beautiful and prayerful celebration.

Music is integral in uniting the service together sonically and allows the couple and their guests to participate in the liturgy. Therefore, the music needs to be liturgical and consequently, secular music is not appropriate in the liturgy, regardless of its meaning. The music must function appropriately in the liturgy and assist, never detract, from those present to express their faith. Working together as a couple, please use the Song Selection Guide provided to you by the Director of Music to assist in making your music selections. As a general rule, the following will be chosen for a wedding liturgy:

  1. PROCESSIONAL: Most typically an instrumental piece. Per current diocesan guidelines, the processional should be one continuous piece for both the wedding party and the bride, emphasizing continuity.

  2. RESPONSORIAL PSALM: Chosen from the options provided by your wedding coordinator. You, the couple, will choose the psalm and the Director of Music will provide an appropriate musical setting of that song if one is not provided.

  3. PREPARATION OF THE GIFTS (ONLY occurs if having a Full Mass): A song or hymn sung as a time of reflection and preparation while the Gifts are brought forward to the altar.

  4. COMMUNION (ONLY occurs if having a Full Mass): An appropriate song or hymn sung as the congregation comes forward to receive the Holy Eucharist. This may include an additional Meditation piece depending on the number of guests expected to attend the wedding. The meditation would occur directly after the Communion song.

  5. FLOWERS TO MARY: A song sung when the Wedding Couple presents flowers to the Virgin Mary. Only sung if this tradition is done during the wedding. Typically occurs directly after Holy Communion.

  6. RECESSIONAL: Most typically a joyful instrumental piece as the newly married couple exit the church along with the congregation. This may also be a sung piece, depending on selection.

Pre-recorded music is NOT permitted during a liturgy.

Details and Information

  • The church fee includes two musicians (cantor & accompanist) which are essential in ensuring the proper performance and timing of the various musical portions of the wedding liturgy. Both are familiar with the church’s worship life as well as the parish’s mission in terms of music and liturgy.

  • You, the couple, have the choice of a Male or Female cantor.

  • Additional singers and/or musicians are available but must be discussed in conjunction with the Director of Music and your respective wedding coordinator.

  • Instrumental trios and quartets as well as vocal groups larger than two members require a contractor’s fee for organizing. Fees depend on how involved your music selections are, but generally speaking you should budget approximately $150-$300 per additional singer or instrumentalist.

Outside Musicians

Outside musicians are permitted as long as they consult with the SK Music Ministry Office.

  1. Secure your date and time of wedding with both the business office and wedding coordinator.

  2. Reach out to SK Music Ministry and include the following details:

    • Number of musicians requested.

    • Name and contact of the cantor and accompanist

    • Contact information of additional musicians (when applicable)

      • Musicians must be very familiar with a Catholic Wedding Mass, including the order, appropriate music selections, mass settings, etc.

      • Songs must be in compliance with St. Kilian’s performance and streaming licenses. Please consult SK Music Ministry when you have made your selections. You can use our website platform as a starting point when choosing the music.

  3. When outside musicians are used, it is the responsibility of the couple to compensate their contracted musicians. Payments will not be done through St. Kilian.