Monday - Friday at 6:30am and 9:00am
Saturday at 8:00am
Saturday Vigil at 4:30pm
Sunday at 7:00am, 8:30am, 10:30am, 12:00pm & 5:00pm
Sunday (en Español) at 1:30 pm
Melkite Liturgy is usually the 3rd Sunday of the month
In attempt to alleviate congestion, we have changed our Mass schedule to allow more time in between the Masses. We encourage everyone to carpool, and to please observe the signs in the surrounding parking lots where no church parking is allowed.
Saturday, April 19: Easter Vigil begins at 7:30 pm and includes the Rite of Initiation for new Catholics.
Sunday, April 20:
6:00 am Sunrise Mass
8:00 am - Church and Parish Hall
10:00 am - Church and Parish Hall
12:00 pm - Church and Parish Hall
1:30 pm Spanish Mass
There is no evening Mass on Easter Sunday.
Saturdays at 8:45am, following 8:00am Mass
Wednesdays from 6:30pm to 7:30pm - Please note that there will be no Confessions on the Wednesdays that there are other parish Lenten Penance Services (all priests will be at the other parishes). Scroll down to see the other dates under the purple button labeled “Lenten Penance Services.”
Spanish Confessions:
Saturdays 8:45am, following 8:00am Mass
1st Wednesday of the month from 6:30pm to 7:30pm
Exposition of the blessed sacrament & DEVOTIONS
Adoration: Monday - Friday between the 6:30am and 9:00am Masses
24-hour Adoration on 1st Fridays of the month
Holy Hour: Fridays at 7:00pm - during Lent, we will be offering Stations of the Cross instead at this time, followed by Spanish Stations of the Cross at 8:00 pm
On the 2nd Saturday of every other month, we will offer anointings for the sick at the 8 am Mass. Please sit in the center sections of the sanctuary, every other pew if you are in need of the sacrament.
The 2025 schedule is:
Saturday, April 12
Saturday, June 14
Saturday, August 9
Saturday, October 11
Saturday, December 13